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Notas Convertibles vs. SAFEs.

With the emergence of new companies and the rapid creation of startups, financing options have expanded to empower businesses’ development, operation, and functioning. Among the most popular ones are: Financing through bank loans. Startups can also obtain financing through bank loans or other sources of debt financing. Angel financing. This type of financing involves investment …

Notas Convertibles vs. SAFEs. Leer más »

Desde el Sueño de Emprender hasta el Dominio en el Mercado: Navegando en el Mundo del Capital de Riesgo y la Inversión Privada

In today’s dynamic business world, funding is pivotal in fueling innovation and driving growth. Two vital financial mechanisms that enable businesses to secure investment are venture capital and private equity. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of venture capital, explain how venture capital funds operate, delve into the concept of private equity, and shed …

Desde el Sueño de Emprender hasta el Dominio en el Mercado: Navegando en el Mundo del Capital de Riesgo y la Inversión Privada Leer más »

La nueva era de la sostenibilidad: El papel de las IFRS S1 y S2 en las Divulgaciones Financieras

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) has issued its inaugural standards, IFRS S1 and IFRS S2, marking the beginning of a new era in sustainability-related disclosures in global capital markets. These standards will enhance trust and confidence in company disclosures regarding sustainability, enabling informed investment decision-making. Furthermore, the Standards introduce a groundbreaking development by establishing …

La nueva era de la sostenibilidad: El papel de las IFRS S1 y S2 en las Divulgaciones Financieras Leer más »

Cómo los Precios de Transferencia puede tener un impacto significativo en tu negocio internacional

In the current business world, globalization has allowed companies to expand their operations internationally. However, this expansion has also brought with it the need to establish commercial agreements between related companies, which can generate challenges in terms of price setting. In this regard, transfer pricing is fundamental in determining the value of transactions between associated …

Cómo los Precios de Transferencia puede tener un impacto significativo en tu negocio internacional Leer más »

Economía Azul: Un Impulso Sostenible para América Latina

The blue economy, a relatively new but highly relevant concept, has become a promising opportunity for Latin America. With its rich marine resources and extensive coastlines, this region is discovering the potential of harnessing the oceans and seas sustainably to drive economic and social development. This article will explore the blue economy and how it …

Economía Azul: Un Impulso Sostenible para América Latina Leer más »

De Colaboración a Consolidación: Comprendiendo Fusiones y Adquisiciones

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are frequently heard in the business world, but what do they mean, and what are their key features? In this note, we will explore the fascinating world of M&A and how it can impact companies and the economy in general. A merger occurs when two or more companies come together, and …

De Colaboración a Consolidación: Comprendiendo Fusiones y Adquisiciones Leer más »

Precios de Transferencia: Una herramienta importante para la planeación de impuestos en los negocios

Transfer pricing is a topic of great importance in the economy and business finance. Its relevance has increased significantly in recent years due to increasing globalization and the expansion of multinational companies. What are Transfer Prices? In simple terms, transfer prices refer to the fees established for commercial transactions between related companies, for example, between …

Precios de Transferencia: Una herramienta importante para la planeación de impuestos en los negocios Leer más »